Our new beautification chair, Annie Edwards, is undertaking a refreshment of all the planters on Cattell Street (there are 16 of them!)

We are excited to see the beauty her efforts will bring, and we will need some volunteers to help with planting all the lovely new additions to the planters in the next week or two. (Not planting until mid-May.)

As you know, one of the most important things about plants is to keep them properly watered. To that end, we need volunteers to “adopt a planter” at the locations on this map. The plants will need to be watered once or twice a week, using two gallon jugs of water each time. We could also use some “back up” volunteers, for weeks when planter parents are out of town.

If you are interested in volunteering for planting, or parenting a planter, please send Annie an email at: beautification@eastonchna.org

Please include your contact information in your email, as well as how you’d like to help. We will get back to you with specific information.